Inspired by World Hearing Day, Soundly and GN Hearing have partnered to ask three global artists to help us "see sound" and imagine its impacts on our overall health.
World Of Sound
Sound's Invisible Power
Sound can connect us, move us or cause us harm. Most of us rarely think about this invisible force in our lives, and we believe it's time to change that.
Hearing wellness has never been more important, yet many people still feel uncomfortable talking about it. We hope this project starts a new conversation.
SoundlyEducation PlatformWe believe hearing wellness deserves more attention. By actually “seeing” sound, we can spark conversations about its role in overall health and bringing people closer together.
GN HearingHearing Health Leader
- 1 BillionAt risk of hearing loss due to excessiveheadphone use¹
- 2 MinutesOf unsafe music levels can causes damage.²
- 30% MoreYoung adults have hearing loss than 20 years ago.³
Ready to Invest In Your Ears?
Get to know your hearing better with these guides.
We partnered with three global artists with three distinct styles.
Each one shared their perspective on sound.
Click on each artist's name below to review the story behind their work.
Curious? Test Your Hearing.
Soundly partnered with sound engineers, designers and audiologists to create a simple hearing screener.
- 1American Osteopathic Association - Headphones and Hearing Loss
- 2CDC - Too Loud For Too Long
- 3BMJ Health - Prevalence of Unsafe Listening Practices